Plate Loaded Jammer
  • Description

    INPEK Fitness’K1821 Plate-Loaded Jammer is designed for building strength in the glutes and various upper body muscles. This machine enables a ground-based, full-body thrusting workout and features an L-shaped frame, handles, and weight horns for adding weight plates. It provides a powerful, functional exercise that targets multiple muscle groups effectively.

  • Advantage

    Features of the INPEK Fitness Plate-Loaded Jammer

    INPEK Fitness offers a heavy-duty ground base jammer, perfect for commercial gyms and available at wholesale prices. This versatile machine is designed to handle light to heavy loads, accommodating moderate to intense exercises for extended durations. 

    - Ergonomic Design: Ensures smooth, explosive workouts, reducing the risk of equipment-related injuries.

    - Durability: Built to last, this machine enhances power and explosiveness through full-body thrusting movements.

    - Mass and Strength Gains: Allows users to push up weight quickly, training for both mass and strength development.

    - Athletic Performance: The YR ground base jammer helps improve athletic performance while delivering whole-body fitness benefits.

Technical Parameter
  • Net weight
  • Maximum Hanger Weight
  • Dimension
  • Major Muscles Worked
    Every muscle group in the body

No.2677,WuTun Road,Xin Wu economic development zone,Wuhu,Anhui,China

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